
Charles was born in Baltimore, Maryland and studied Sculpture at University of Delaware and Towson University. He has worked under John Guttierez of Gutteriez Studios and was fortunate to have also studied under the figurative sculptor Charles Parks. In 2008, he received his Masters in Industrial Design from Pratt Institute. Charles served as the Design Director of Planterworx from 2008-2012 and in 2012 founded the experimental design studio, The Principals, which he co-directed from 2012-2018. During his time with The Principals Charles participated and graduated from the New Museums Design Incubator, New Inc. His work has been shown at MoMA PS1, the New Museum, and London Design among other venues. Charles currently teaches furniture design at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and has lectured at MICA, Pratt Institute, The New School and The Art Institute of New York. He also serves as founding partner and creative director of Bestcase, a New York furniture company.